Commercial Archives - ABBTECH Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:39:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Commercial Archives - ABBTECH 32 32 Navigating Challenging Conversations in the Workplace: How to Discipline Your Team Tue, 05 Mar 2024 17:16:57 +0000 Disciplining employees is a delicate endeavor that requires finesse, empathy, and a clear strategy. As managers and leaders, it's our responsibility to maintain a positive work environment while ensuring that performance issues are addressed promptly and effectively. In this blog, we'll explore the best advice for reprimanding employees with the aim of fostering growth and maintaining workplace harmony.

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Disciplining employees is a delicate endeavor that requires finesse, empathy, and a clear strategy. As managers and leaders, it’s our responsibility to maintain a positive work environment while ensuring that performance issues are addressed promptly and effectively. In this blog, we’ll explore the best advice for reprimanding employees with the aim of fostering growth and maintaining workplace harmony.

Emphasize Privacy and Respect

First and foremost, avoid publicly calling attention to mistakes. The initial reaction to an error might be to address it immediately; however, this can lead to embarrassment and resentment. Instead, opt for a private 1-on-1 conversation where the focus can be on giving constructive criticism. If necessary, include an HR representative to ensure the meeting stays on track and all parties feel supported.

Seek to Understand

When sitting down with an employee, strive to understand their intentions and the context behind their actions. Often, what might appear as negligence could be a result of miscommunication or lack of resources. By approaching the conversation with an open mind, you help create a safe space for the employee to share their perspective and for you to provide guidance without undermining their confidence.

Offer Constructive Solutions

Work closely with the employee to dissect the issues they were facing and discuss what could have been done differently. Offer alternatives and solutions, rather than just pointing out what went wrong. This approach not only helps rectify the current situation but also equips your team member with the tools to handle similar challenges in the future, ultimately enhancing their professional development.

Keep a Record

Maintaining a log of these disciplinary conversations is crucial. Documenting the details of each meeting serves multiple purposes: it provides a reference for any follow-up actions, helps track the employee’s progress, and ensures consistency in your management approach. This record will be invaluable if the issue becomes recurrent and more serious steps need to be taken.

Focus on Improvement, Not Punishment

Remember, the goal of discipline is not to punish but to correct and improve. Your approach should always be from a place of wanting to see your team succeed. Positive reinforcement, alongside constructive criticism, can work wonders in motivating employees to improve their performance and avoid future missteps.

Establish a Clear Path Forward

In the unfortunate event that disciplinary actions escalate, having a structured process in place, such as a performance improvement plan (PIP), can help both the employee and the company. A PIP outlines specific expectations and benchmarks for improvement, providing a clear roadmap to success. It also demonstrates your commitment to your team’s growth, rather than a rush to termination.

Need Help Hiring? We’re Here for You

Finally, if you find yourself in need of additional support for hiring and building a robust team for the year ahead, don’t hesitate to connect with the team at ABBTECH. We’re here to assist you in creating a strong, cohesive workforce that can navigate challenges effectively and with a positive spirit. Contact us today!

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Inspiring Leadership Habits to Adopt in 2024 Wed, 10 Jan 2024 13:01:59 +0000 This blog post will outline some inspiring leadership habits that both aspiring and current leaders should adopt to guide their teams effectively in 2024.

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As we celebrate the dawn of 2024, it’s time to reflect on our leadership styles and habits. The world is continually evolving, and so too must our approach to effective leadership. This blog post will outline some inspiring leadership habits that both aspiring and current leaders should adopt to guide their teams effectively in 2024.

Praise Publicly and Recognize Contributions

One of the most motivating things for a team member is feeling appreciated for their hard work. As a leader, take the time to publicly praise your team members and thank them for their contributions to the company’s success. In 2024, make it a habit to recognize individual and team accomplishments regularly. This not only boosts morale but also fosters a culture of gratitude and recognition within the organization.

Lead with Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Leadership is not just about strategic planning and decision-making. It’s about understanding and connecting with your team on an emotional level. Leading with empathy and emotional intelligence is key to creating an inclusive and supportive work environment. Show genuine interest in your team members’ well-being and be mindful of their feelings and emotions. In 2024, let empathy and emotional intelligence guide your leadership.

Offer Resources for Mental and Physical Health Support

The health and well-being of your team members should be a top priority. In the upcoming year, make it a point to offer resources for mental and physical health support. This could include access to counseling services, wellness programs, and flexible work hours to promote work-life balance. By prioritizing your team’s health, you show them that you value them not just as employees, but as individuals.

Show Your Humanness

In the world of leadership, authenticity is key. Don’t be afraid to show your humanness to your team. Share your experiences, admit your mistakes, and express your emotions. This not only makes you relatable but also builds trust and respect among your team members. In 2024, let authenticity be a cornerstone of your leadership style.

Stay Calm in Times of Uncertainty

The future is always uncertain, and it’s the leader’s role to navigate the team through these uncertain times. Stay calm, composed, and optimistic even in the face of adversity. Your team will look to you for reassurance and guidance, so it’s essential to maintain a positive outlook. In 2024, strive to be a beacon of stability and assurance for your team.

If you’re looking to hire new talent this year, let our team at ABBTECH lend a hand! We’re committed to supporting leaders like you in building successful teams. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of inspiring leadership and remarkable success.

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3 Work Related Boundaries to Embrace in 2024 Wed, 27 Dec 2023 14:18:36 +0000 As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new year, it's the perfect time to reassess not just our personal goals but also our professional boundaries. In this digital age, maintaining a work-life balance can seem like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies, it's entirely achievable. This blog post, brought to you by our team at ABBTECH, will explore the importance of setting and respecting work-related boundaries to improve your overall well-being and work-life balance.

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As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new year, it’s the perfect time to reassess not just our personal goals but also our professional boundaries. In this digital age, maintaining a work-life balance can seem like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies, it’s entirely achievable. This blog post, brought to you by our team at ABBTECH, will explore the importance of setting and respecting work-related boundaries to improve your overall well-being and work-life balance.

Why Are Work Boundaries Important?

Work boundaries are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they help prevent burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged and excessive stress. Secondly, they contribute to a healthier work environment, where employees feel respected and valued. Thirdly, they allow you to enjoy your personal life without the constant intrusion of work-related concerns.

Setting Boundaries and Sticking to Them

One of the first steps to better work-life balance is not over-explaining why you need time away from work. It’s okay to take a vacation, a mental health day, or just a break during your workday. You don’t have to justify your need for personal time to your colleagues or superiors. Remember, your mental and physical health should always take precedence.

The next step is being highly focused and “on” while you’re on the clock. By doing so, you can maximize your productivity and complete your tasks within working hours. Avoid checking up on work-related emails or tasks after office hours. Establishing this boundary not only helps you transition from work mode to relaxation mode but also sends a signal to your colleagues that your off-duty time is to be respected.

The Power of Privacy

While it’s great to have friendly relationships with coworkers, oversharing personal details can blur the lines between your professional and personal life. Keep your conversations professional, and remember, it’s okay to decline invitations to after-work drinks or parties if you’re not comfortable or if it interferes with your personal time.

Leverage Technology

Use digital tools to your advantage. Set up ‘do not disturb’ hours on your devices, schedule your emails to be sent during work hours, and use project management tools to keep track of your tasks. These tools can help you maintain your work boundaries without coming across as unresponsive or unprofessional.

Seek Support

If you’re struggling to establish or maintain your work boundaries, remember that our team at ABBTECH is here to help. We offer resources and support to help you navigate your professional life while prioritizing your well-being.

In conclusion, setting and respecting work-related boundaries are essential practices for a balanced and healthy professional life. As we step into the new year, let’s make a conscious effort to respect these boundaries and encourage others to do the same. Your work-life balance is not just a luxury, but a necessity. Here’s to a balanced and fulfilled new year!

Want to adopt a better work life balance in 2024? Our team at ABBTECH is ready to help. Contact us today!

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5 HR-Related Take Aways to Remember from 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 14:07:58 +0000 The way we work and how we manage talent is undergoing a significant transformation. Here, we reflect on five key takeaways that HR professionals need to navigate the changing dynamics of the workplace.

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As we approach the close of 2023, the Human Resources (HR) landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. From the rise of remote work to the integration of artificial intelligence in hiring, the way we work and how we manage talent is undergoing a significant transformation. Here, we reflect on five key takeaways that HR professionals need to navigate the changing dynamics of the workplace.

1. Remote Work Policies: The New Norm

The pandemic has reshaped the workplace, with remote work no longer being an exception but the rule. In 2023, companies have embraced flexible work arrangements, recognizing the value in work-life balance and employee well-being. HR professionals need to ensure that their remote work policies are robust, focusing on clear communication, team collaboration, and employee engagement.

2. AI in Hiring: Streamlining Talent Acquisition

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the hiring process. From screening resumes to scheduling interviews, AI has proven to be a game-changer in talent acquisition. It facilitates a more efficient and unbiased recruitment process, allowing HR to focus on strategic decision-making. In 2023, leveraging AI in hiring isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity.

3. Talent Retention Strategies: Prioritizing Employee Satisfaction

With the shift to remote work and the rise of the gig economy, retaining top talent has become a major challenge. To combat this, HR teams need to prioritize employee satisfaction. This means providing competitive compensation, opportunities for career advancement, and fostering a positive company culture. Remember, a happy employee is a loyal employee.

4. Upskilling and Reskilling: A Future-proof Workforce

The rapid pace of technological advancements has made continuous learning a must. HR needs to champion upskilling and reskilling initiatives to future-proof their workforce. Providing employees with opportunities to learn new skills not only enhances their productivity but also boosts their morale and job satisfaction.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making: The Power of HR Analytics

Data is the new currency, and HR is no exception. HR analytics provides valuable insights into hiring trends, employee performance, and more. It empowers HR professionals to make informed decisions that align with business goals. In 2023, embracing HR analytics is key to staying competitive and making strategic HR decisions.

In this changing landscape, HR professionals are expected to adapt and innovate. If you’re looking to grow your team to prepare for the new year, consider partnering with the hiring experts at ABBTECH. With a proven track record of success, ABBTECH can provide the support and expertise you need to navigate the evolving dynamics of the HR world. Contact us today!

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These Worries are Keeping Your Employees Up at Night Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:58:19 +0000 Explore the common concerns that are potentially causing anxiety among your workforce and offer insights into addressing these worries.

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The state of the economy often has a direct impact on our sleep patterns. As an employer, it’s not surprising that the economic uncertainties of today’s world might be causing your employees to toss and turn at night. In this blog, we’ll explore the common concerns that are potentially causing anxiety among your workforce and offer insights into addressing these worries to promote employee well-being and productivity.

Work-Life Balance in the Digital Age

In the era of remote work and digital connectivity, achieving a healthy work-life balance has become increasingly challenging. The boundaries between work and home life are blurring, leading to longer work hours and heightened stress levels. As an employer, it’s essential to recognize this struggle and take steps to promote a healthy work-life balance. This could range from implementing flexible work hours, encouraging regular breaks, or even promoting digital detox initiatives.

Job Security in a Fluctuating Economy

Job security is another common concern among employees, especially amidst the economic turbulence of recent times. Regular communication about the company’s financial health, future plans, and job stability can go a long way in alleviating these fears. Furthermore, investing in your employees’ growth and development can also foster a sense of job security.

Financial Stress and Its Impact on Productivity

Financial stress is a significant concern for many employees, affecting not just their personal lives but also their productivity at work. Employers can play a pivotal role in mitigating this stress by offering competitive salaries, providing financial wellness programs, or even partnering with financial institutions to offer financial planning resources.

Navigating the Future with Confidence

Addressing these concerns is not merely about boosting productivity; it’s about fostering a work environment where employees feel valued, secure, and confident about their future. By acknowledging and addressing these anxieties, employers can improve overall employee well-being, leading to a more engaged, motivated, and productive workforce.

Need help hiring the right people to navigate these challenges? Let ABBTECH’s team of experts lend a helping hand. With our deep understanding of the job market and robust hiring strategies, ABBTECH can help you build a resilient and mentally healthy workforce ready to tackle the uncertainties of the economic landscape. For help building your team, turn to ABBTECH today!

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Making Your Work Environment More Inclusive Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:49:49 +0000 It is essential to build a supportive, diverse, inclusive workplace. Still, for many employees, the work environment is still an awkward place where many feel isolated and uncomfortable because of their ethnicity, race, gender, orientation, neurodiversity, or physical abilities. As an employer, it’s very easy to help your employees feel valued and free to be […]

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It is essential to build a supportive, diverse, inclusive workplace. Still, for many employees, the work environment is still an awkward place where many feel isolated and uncomfortable because of their ethnicity, race, gender, orientation, neurodiversity, or physical abilities. As an employer, it’s very easy to help your employees feel valued and free to be their full selves. Here are some simple ways that you can make your work environment more inclusive and welcoming to all employees.

Don’t Make Assumptions

Never judge a book by its cover. You simply can’t tell anything by looking at someone, so avoid making assumptions about your employees’ orientation, relationship status, pronouns, or abilities. Have the courage to ask kind, respectful questions. Doing this will avoid misunderstandings and keep communication open and positive.

Personal Preferences

Don’t be afraid to ask how an individual employee prefers to be addressed and what adjectives they embrace to define and present themselves. Most people don’t mind answering honest, respectful questions; it goes a long way toward helping them feel comfortable and appreciated in their work environment. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to build diverse connections in the workplace.

Foster Inclusive Opportunities

Team-building and social opportunities are a great way to encourage inclusion and a positive workplace culture for your employees. By organizing professional exercises and social get-togethers, you can further encourage your employees to get to know each other and form bonds of friendship and teamwork that naturally foster inclusion and support among employees.

Be Kind and Stick Up for Your Employees

As a manager or supervisor, it’s your job to be a good example to all your employees. Lead the way by being kind and considerate. If you hear an employee exhibit bias, speak to them about it. Ensure that they know the company policies on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

It is vital to cultivate a work environment that is welcoming to all employees. While you will likely make some mistakes along the way, the important thing is to keep making a good-faith effort. Ask questions, clarify information, and apologize, when necessary. All of your employees, along with their families and friends, will appreciate you for it.

Consider Partnering with a Staffing Agency

Creating an inclusive work environment is a crucial goal for any organization striving to nurture a culture of respect, collaboration, and diversity. If you feel your organization is still experiencing challenges implementing and fostering this desired enviroment. Now is the time to consider the crucial support that a staffing agency can provide.

By partnering with a staffing agency that shares your commitment to fostering an inclusive workforce, your company can take a significant step toward creating a workplace where all employees feel empowered, valued, and appreciated for their unique contributions. If you are ready to take a closer look at how a staffing agency can help achieve this goal, contact ABBTECH today!

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Employees Are Leaving: 4 Reasons Why Wed, 13 Sep 2023 14:43:32 +0000 In this blog, we’ll look at four unexpected reasons your employees are leaving and what you can do about it.

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In this blog, we’ll look at four unexpected reasons your employees are leaving and what you can do about it.

Attracting top talent is challenging for many businesses in this active candidates’ job market. Once you have those stellar employees, you want them to be happy and stick around as long as possible. But even employees who seem happy in their roles can decide to quit. 

Is your organization struggling to retain top talent? If so, you may be driving away your best employees without knowing it!

Reason #1 Employees Are Leaving: Lack of Career Advancement

Some employees are completely satisfied working at the same level until they choose to retire. For the most part, however, workers want the opportunity to excel and achieve in their careers. If your employees feel like their chances for moving up within the team, department, or division are limited or nonexistent, they will quickly start looking for fresh opportunities elsewhere.

Ensure your employees have continuing education opportunities and training available to them. Encourage them to improve and expand their knowledge and credentials and recognize their achievements through advancement.

Reason #2 Employees Are Leaving: Management-Style Issues

Management style can be a pivotal factor in whether employees choose to leave. If you tend to micromanage daily tasks and over-supervise projects, your employees may feel stifled and overwhelmed. On the other hand, some employees crave more structure & feedback for their roles.

The key is to get to know your employees individually through the interview and training process. Assess your management style and be open to flexibility when your style clashes with a valued employee. Aim for a well-balanced mix of supervision and freedom to keep your team happy and working productively.

Reason #3 Employees Are Leaving: A Clash of (Workplace) Cultures

If your hiring process is comprehensive, your employees should know your company culture and policies before a position is offered. However, there may be occasions when an employee disagrees with workplace policies or company values adopted and embraced later.

Take the opportunity to talk with your employee about the issues at odds and be open to a compromise that meshes well with your overall company culture.

Reason #4 Employees Are Leaving: Lack of Recognition

We all want to feel seen, especially when it concerns our performance at work. Some employees will quit when they consistently feel their efforts and results are undervalued and unrecognized. They may also leave if other employees receive recognition regularly and they do not.

Make a consistent effort to recognize achievement by every team member, privately and in a group setting. Your employees will feel seen and appreciated, a positive feeling that builds trust and loyalty.


Even the happiest employees may choose to leave for various unexpected reasons. Pay attention to your team and know what could motivate them to go. It could be the key to keeping your top talent onboard for the long haul.

If you need help rebuilding your team, turn to ABBTECH.

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3 Interview Techniques for Evaluating Engineering Candidates Wed, 23 Aug 2023 14:37:44 +0000 This blog will cover three effective interview techniques that can help you evaluate an engineering candidate’s technical skills, as well as their personality and soft skills.

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Hiring engineering talent can be challenging, especially if you are not a trained engineer. How you evaluate their skills depends on the position you’re hiring for, the types of projects they’ll be working on, and your company culture. With so many different types of engineers, you need different interview techniques to evaluate them properly.

This blog will cover three effective interview techniques that can help you evaluate an engineering candidate’s technical skills, as well as their personality and soft skills.

1. Focus on Content

Before interviewing candidates, you must decide exactly what core skills you are looking for. Look at the purpose of the engineering role and what technical or practical expertise is needed. Consider bringing in one of your senior engineers to consult about exactly what skills you’re looking for. You could also ask your whole engineering team what questions they would like to be asked to test a candidate’s aptitude for the position.

2. Be Consistent

Once you establish what you are looking for, be consistent with each candidate interview. Ask every candidate the same questions; this will allow you to effectively compare candidates and more accurately determine who fits the role.

Consistency in your interview questions helps you avoid being biased toward candidates. Prime talent may not shine on paper. Resumes, specifically educational credits and past work experience, can be impressive. However, just because a candidate looks good on paper does not mean they will be a good fit for your company and the role in question. Asking consistent questions allows you to compare candidates on a level playing field.

3. Be Creative

When it comes to evaluating engineering talent, be creative with your questions. The goal is to evaluate how a candidate will handle a problem or provide a strategy to help them succeed in the role you seek to fill. Your engineering team can be very helpful in formulating questions that determine technical skills and assess the candidate’s soft skills in handling situations.


Preparing an effective engineering interview takes time, patience, and focus. By focusing on the hard and soft skills needed for the role and enlisting your engineering team to help you vet prospective candidates, you can develop practical questions and techniques to interview engineering candidates and find the right fit for the job.

Let us help you hire top engineering talent! Contact ABBTECH today!

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5 Leadership Strategies for Managing Remote Teams Wed, 19 Jul 2023 15:19:32 +0000 The pandemic forced many businesses to shift to hybrid or fully remote teams. The transition was challenging for some companies, and many managers are still learning and adapting to managing their remote teams. If you are still learning to manage your remote workers effectively, here are 5 effective strategies for managing remote teams. Trust your […]

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The pandemic forced many businesses to shift to hybrid or fully remote teams. The transition was challenging for some companies, and many managers are still learning and adapting to managing their remote teams.

If you are still learning to manage your remote workers effectively, here are 5 effective strategies for managing remote teams.

Trust your Remote Teams

Nothing brings out the best in an employee like managerial trust. Trusting your employees to self-manage themselves to complete tasks and accomplish goals increases their trust in you as a manager. They become more confident, more productive, and more capable. Limit yourself to quick morning meetings and check in on progress only when necessary.

Host Daily Meetings

Tracking your team’s progress may be complicated when your team is remote, but it is not impossible. Beginning each day with project-oriented meetings ensures you are all on the same page professionally. Daily meetings allow your remote employees to manage their own time. They also allow you to give them your full attention once a day while avoiding micromanaging.

Encourage Communication

Regarding communication, work-related communication is only part of the equation. Employees need to know that you are not only invested in their work results but also in them as a person. Take moments to reach out to employees, especially ones you don’t usually speak to. Be empathetic, and never let your employees forget that you see them as people first. This should be a daily exercise in building communication and company culture.

Provide Time and Space for Building Connections

It’s also important to note that improving company culture means encouraging employees to build connections with each other. The best way to do that is to provide time and space for employees to build those connections. This may seem difficult with a hybrid or remote team, but many virtual opportunities are available to bring people together. Team members can come together for games, a virtual happy hour, or other online team-building activities.

Lead with Empathy

Psychological safety is a vital element to create for your team, especially for hybrid and remote teams. You can do this through all of the ways listed above and more. Create a shared purpose for your team members, ask for their perspectives on projects and new hires, and create opportunities for bonding. Then sit back and watch as their confidence and productivity soar.


Managing your remote or hybrid team doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep the strategies above in mind and you’ll be well on your way to effectively keeping your teams aligned and productive.

If you’re searching for a leader to lead your remote team, ABBTECH can help!

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Is the “Great Unretirement” Coming? Wed, 21 Jun 2023 14:25:04 +0000 In this blog, we’ll look at some of the reasons for the Great Unretirement and how this return of workers could benefit your business.

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Many older people left their jobs during the pandemic, reversing the long-term trend of older workers delaying retirement. Now, with the pandemic over and the cost-of-living soaring, many of these over-50 workers and early retirees are choosing to return to work. This job market phenomenon has been dubbed “The Great Unretirement.”

The Great Unretirement is poised to become a major factor in the current and future job market.

In this blog, we’ll look at some of the reasons for the Great Unretirement. As well as how this return of veteran workers could benefit your business.

Reasons for the Great Unretirement

One of the main factors motivating older people to return to the workplace is financial. The current state of the economy, including the steady rise in the cost of living, is causing many retirees to dip into their savings to make ends meet. Guaranteed funds for their golden years are dwindling, and with no steady source of income to replenish those coffers, older people are finding it necessary to look for jobs with a steady income.

Other reasons for the Great Unretirement include a waning of pandemic-related health concerns, increased longevity, a higher retirement age, and underfunding of pension programs.

The Great Unretirement and the Skills Gap

Industries across the board are facing a serious talent shortage. This shortage is primarily due to a skills gap. Meaning that, while many workers are available, finding the right candidate to fulfill the role’s needs is difficult.

Many of the skills needed are soft skills that take time to develop. Older workers have not only had years to develop these skills but also practiced them actively in the workforce. Skills such as resilience, adaptability, flexibility, empathy, and diplomacy are highly valued soft skills that older workers will bring to your company.

While many younger workers have the credentials and education to secure a job. What they lack is the practical experience or the nurtured instincts that a veteran worker would have.


The Great Unretirement will bring many skilled, talented workers back into play. As older people return to the workforce, whether in a temporary, part-time, or full-time capacity. Companies need to be ready to take advantage of the highly skilled, valuable workers. And welcome them into the workforce once more.

If your team is missing key members, let our team find your missing piece! Contact ABBTECH today!

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