While the process of handling layoffs is clearly outlined in federal and state laws, your top priority should be the employee’s dignity. If your company is facing the inevitability of layoffs, keep these tips in mind to make the entire process as effective and supportive for your employees as possible.
Tips For Employers
Transforming your Company by Attracting Top Talent
This blog looks at 3 of the best ways to attract top talent and keep them for the long term.
3 Tips for Closing Your Business’s Skills Gap
The world of work is rapidly changing. Automation, artificial intelligence, and the rise of the “gig economy” are some of the disruptive forces influencing the business world. The ultimate impact of these will remain to be seen, but one thing is sure: The skills that businesses need to succeed and grow are changing, and as […]
Does your Company need a Culture Executive?
A Culture Executive, Chief Culture Officer or Head of Culture, is an individual assigned to oversee and maintain company culture.
Online Reputation: Tips For Building a Solid Presence
Your company’s online reputation plays a significant role in driving overall recruitment, including passive candidates. Creating a solid, multi-faceted online presence that reflects your branding and values creates positive feelings in prospective job candidates and customers. A multi-faceted company presence includes a well-managed website, social media profiles, videos, and other media. Reviews and testimonials are […]
Transforming an Under Performing Employee
If you feel like your team is suffering because of an underperforming employee, you have to consider why it’s happening and what you can do to manage it. Try these five steps to assess the situation and transform an underperforming employee:
Are “Boomerang Employees” the Next Big Thing?
With many companies striving to find top talent, employers are softening toward rehiring former employees. As former employees, these “boomerangs” are considered less risky than a new hire. Based on their former employment, you know their skills and experience.
Is it Time for the 4-Day Work Week? Pros & Cons to Consider
Many companies are making changes in an effort to attract top talent and retain more workers. One concept generating interest and increasing in popularity is the 4-day work week. The 4-day work week compresses the traditional 40-hour work week into four days or shortens it to 32 hours a week. Modifying the work week in […]
5 Recruiting Trends We Expect to see in 2023
As more industries return to their pre-pandemic state, we can expect 2023 to be a year full of opportunity and innovation in the labor market. In this blog, we’ll discuss several of the recruiting trends that we expect to see in the new year.
Nail Down your Hiring Needs
Employees are leaving the workforce at an alarming rate, and the hiring struggle will likely continue. Now is the time to nail down your hiring needs. The sooner you create a solid hiring plan and implement it, the sooner you’ll fill those job openings. Anticipate Your Hiring Needs Calculate how many positions you need to […]
Employee Appreciation Ideas for your Remote Team
Showing appreciation to your employees is easy when everyone is in-office. What if your team is remote? How can you show your employees how valued and appreciated they are when they are miles (or even countries) apart? Employee appreciation ideas for your remote team to follow. If you’re eager to show your remote team your […]
Why you Should Choose a Candidate with Past Military Experience
If your company doesn’t have a veteran recruiting program or if you’re unsure how the skills of a military veteran might fit into your technology company, read on to learn why you should choose a job candidate with past military experience.
How to Create a Veteran Friendly Workplace
Learn some of the many ways you can build a veteran friendly workplace and maintain it year-round.
Why am I Attracting Unqualified Job Applicants?
In this blog, we’ll look at how you may be attracting the wrong candidates and what you can do to attract the best candidates in the future.