Looking for a new job is exciting. It can also quickly become overwhelming if you haven’t adequately prepared. If you’re considering leaving your current job for something new, you need to know how to get organized as it can maximize your chance of success. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of our top tips to […]
Job Search
Are “Boomerang Employees” the Next Big Thing?
With many companies striving to find top talent, employers are softening toward rehiring former employees. As former employees, these “boomerangs” are considered less risky than a new hire. Based on their former employment, you know their skills and experience.
Make Yourself A More Marketable Applicant
Improving your marketability in the new year takes commitment and effort. You must build a solid brand for yourself, learn and acquire new skills, and expand your network.
3 Tips to Help You Earn a Promotion This Year
If you’ve been working toward a promotion at work, you may wonder if you can improve your chances of getting it in 2023. Earning a promotion raises your position in a company, as well as increasing your salary, benefits, and sense of accomplishment. Below are 3 tips to help you earn a promotion this year. […]
5 Recruiting Trends We Expect to see in 2023
As more industries return to their pre-pandemic state, we can expect 2023 to be a year full of opportunity and innovation in the labor market. In this blog, we’ll discuss several of the recruiting trends that we expect to see in the new year.
How to Stand Out as an Entry-level Developer
Finding entry-level employment in any industry can be difficult, especially in the tech industry. With hot software development positions rising, standing out among more experienced competition can be tough. Tips on how to stand out as an entry-level developer are below. So, how can you stand out as an entry-level developer with so much competition? […]
Employee Appreciation Ideas for your Remote Team
Showing appreciation to your employees is easy when everyone is in-office. What if your team is remote? How can you show your employees how valued and appreciated they are when they are miles (or even countries) apart? Employee appreciation ideas for your remote team to follow. If you’re eager to show your remote team your […]
5 Must Ask Questions to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer
You’ve been searching for the right job for a while and finally received an offer. Congratulations! Before you accept that offer, though, there are some things to consider. Here are five questions you should consider asking before accepting a job offer.
Data Science vs. Data Analytics: What’s the difference?
Data Science vs. Data Analytics: What is the Difference? Data science and data analytics are reliable choices for long-term career potential. Technology and AI will continue to be a significant part of our personal and professional lives with each year. It is worth noting that data science and data analytics do have a great deal […]
3 Signs You Are Underemployed
We all understand what it means to be “employed” or “unemployed” because you either have a job or you don’t. “Underemployment,” however, is more complex and far more common than you might think. The Center for Law and Social Policy estimates that 4 out of 10 part-time workers are currently underemployed, meaning you have a […]
Employee Positive Culture
The world radically changed over the last few years. As a result, employee priorities have shifted. And many employees now look to their employers to create an employee positive culture that is safe, inclusive, productive, and satisfying. The Whole Personnel Experience So, what do employees look for now? What attracts them to a job and […]
5 Qualities that Make Good Developers GREAT
While many software development opportunities are available, the competition is fierce unless you stand out from the crowd. The best way to stand out from the crowd when going after a software development position is to be a great software developer. Here are 5 qualities that make good developers GREAT. If you want to be […]
4 Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering Job Satisfaction
If you are uncertain about your job satisfaction, there is no need to panic. Here are 4 questions to ask yourself when considering job satisfaction. These can help you determine if your current job is the right fit moving forward. You want a job that allows you to feel and perform your best. To date, […]
Advantages of Coding in Python vs. Coding in Java
Python and Java are two of the most popular coding languages. Employers frequently seek out developers who possess training and experience in Python and Java. There are advantages of coding in Python vs. coding in Java. With a clear understanding of both coding languages, you are well equipped to stand out to employers. Plus, you […]
Books to Encourage and Inspire Job Seekers
You want your job search to be a success. However, you consistently encounter problems as you seek out your dream job. Below are books to encourage and inspire job seekers. The job market is tough to navigate, even if you have plenty of industry experience. Thus, adversity is common for today’s job seekers. When faced […]
5 Signs You’re Ready for a New Job
You work hard at your job. Regardless, you have questions about whether your job offers a rewarding career. At this point, you may be on the fence about whether to pursue a job. But, there may be many signs that indicate now’s the right time to find a new job. Here are 5 signs you’re […]
5 Green Flags to Look for in a Potential Employer
You want a job that makes you feel great. However, your job search has been challenging thus far. To date, you have identified red flags with many potential employers. At this point, keep an eye out for green flags to look for in a potential employer. Green flags are positive signs that a potential employer […]
Phone and Virtual Interview: Best Practices For Job Seekers
By adhering to best practices for remote interviewing, you can impress recruiters and improve your employment opportunities. Use these five tips to keep your interview professional and stress-free.